Illusions: The Art of Magic

We vanished!! From our desks that is…

Today our team took an impromptu field trip to Montreal’s McCord Museum to check out the Illusions: The art of magic exhibition.

The inspirational exhibition features exciting posters created to promote the most popular magicians of the 19th and 20th century (like Houdini, Kellar, and Chung Ling Soo).

Not only did we learn about disappearance, levitation, and escapes, but we learned about The Strobridge Lithography Company and Imprimerie Harfort,- the lithography companies that printed many of these stunning outdoor posters. We were dazzled! The use of primary colours, neutrals, and texture mixed with photographic images and bold typography was simply phenomenal.

There were lots of takeaways from the exhibit that we can’t wait to try in some specific client projects in the coming year…Stay tuned to see what comes out of it!