Niskamoon Corporation 2021

Providing access to funds and programs for Cree communities.

Close up of the report's yellow spine
Niskamoon annual report bar graph close up


A central brand communication tool providing transparency.

Niskamoon Corporation strives to develop projects in close collaboration with Cree land users and other beneficiaries to alleviate the impacts of hydroelectric development in Eeyou Istchee.

Through a bold use of colour, the 2020-21 report is designed to emulate the impact we have all felt in the past year. Throughout the report, the yellow gradually shifts to a softer shade. While slight from page-to-page, the color shift echoes the sentiments of how we’ve had to adapt and that small, seemingly imperceptible changes do ultimately lead to greater change.

Niskamoon report cover close up
Niskamoon annual report spread calendar

The landscape imagery presented in the report reminds us of the beauty of nature and our desire to be outside and explore the world freely. During challenging times, we search for hope, meaning, a silver lining. An illustrated silver thread weaves through the pages representing Niskamoon Corporation as a provider of that hope by making crucial funds and resources available to the Cree community.

Niskamoon report flip through animated
Niskamoon annual report core values close up
  • Client: Niskamoon Corporation Year: 2021
  • Expertise: Book layout, Print Awards and publications: Applied Arts Design Awards
Link image of 2019/20 Niskamoon annual report

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