And so it begins folks…the first design fail of 2017 we’re blogging about. Fresh into the new year and we’re already shaking our heads at The Washington Post Express illustrated cover story on the Women’s March on Washington. The intention was to use the Greek symbol for Venus (a circle and cross) – commonly used to represent women. Instead, the symbol for Mars – or the symbol representing men – was featured.Many are calling this a “symbolic mistake” rather than an accident. Audiences took to Twitter to share their reactions; some suggested the cover indicates systemic bias, while others suggested The Washington Post Express hire more women in their editing department.The publication later apologized for the cover, releasing a new one with the revised artwork:

Making of novum cover 10/13 from novum magazine on Vimeo by Clormann Design.

The making of the October issue of German graphic art mag Novum designed by. Between the laminated with Brushprint Silver foil and the typographic laser cuts, this designer is totally drooling!